Survival Saw

Survival Saws: A Must for Battling the Unexpected

Planning is the key to success. This includes preparing for the unexpected with the tools necessary to survive dire situations, increase creature comforts or even help others when the world goes sideways.

That’s why our Survival Saw blades are the ideal complement to every emergency toolkit. Made from tempered steel and designed with a 360° spiral cutting tooth formed into a single, hardened steel wire, our survival blades cut far more than wood and tree limbs. They are commonly used by sportsmen, campers, military personnel and even EMTs to swiftly and precisely cut everything from piping, plexiglass, rubber and metals to bone, plastics, fabrics and more. The truth is few other products rival their versatility with such accuracy. 

Durable and lightweight, our Survival Saw blades also easily fit into shirt pockets, backpacks or emergency medical kits, while offering the ability to make intricate, exact and quick cuts that would be nearly impossible with conventional flat blades.

Still in doubt? Just check with Chuck Yeager, who wrote about using our SPYRAL Pocket Saw to cut through his pressure suit when forced to bail out of a test flight at 104,000 feet, OR the U.S. Military, who have purchased more than 100,000 of our SPYRAL Military Survival Saws over the past 30 years.

Included in our line of durable and high-quality Spiral Coping Saw Blades are the:

  • SPYRAL Pocket Saw. Lightweight and compact, it is the ideal addition to survival and camping kits since it can be coiled into areas as small as a shirt pocket.
  • SPYRAL Military Survival Saw. Originally developed by the USAF for a pilot survival kit, each saw is designed to make nearly any cut and curve imaginable. It also comes standard with a spare 20" blade, strong enough to hold over 300 lbs.


Proudly made in the USA, our Survival Saw Blades are incredibly unique as they are designed with the flexibility to make precise, quick cuts from nearly any orientation or direction.